Lego Movie 2 Review: Does it Live Up to the Legacy of its Predecessor?


*Minor Spoilers


As a fan of the modern animated comedies that have made their way into the market over the past few years, there was a lot to look forward to with Lego Movie 2. The original Lego Movie was released 5 years ago and brought with it a new style of comedy and message that could be related to by both children and adults. There was a charm that came with the Lego Movie that has yet to be recreated. So, the question remains: does Lego Movie 2 live up to the legacy that its predecessor left behind?

Let’s start with the story of Lego Movie 2. The movie takes place directly after the events of the original, then completes a time jump of several years to when the array of characters find themselves toughened up by the new harsh world they are living in a barren town of leftover debris and ruin. Unlike most sequels, this one decides to take that of something original rather than copying the formula of that which comes before. A welcomed surprise and appreciated one.

It’s easy to make a sequel an easy cash grab, but this one felt as though there was a lot of care and thought that went into it. Both in the story which was entertaining and heartfelt, but also in staying true to its characters that are very much like we remember them from the original.

Impressively, even if the story started to feel underwhelming or boring at any point, the poignant but hilarious script and dialogue kept the movie moving. Everything felt fresh throughout. Truly, the biggest issues I found with the story of Lego Movie 2 revolved around the lesson held in the “real” world and the fact that the story as a whole did not hold the same impact that the first one did.

The lesson, present in a similar way to the first, made me feel uncomfortable at times due purely to the similarities it held to an after school special (though that may be a little harsh). This feeling may also have appeared due to the lack in surprise it held compared to it in the first movie. However, the lesson was an important one that I found would be important for children of all ages to see and understand, making it better to include and tie the movie together fully in its theme.

When it comes to the acting of this movie, every part of voice was beautifully done. The Lego Movie 2 isn’t exactly an emotional Oscar-bait movie, so the acting doesn’t hold the same gravity or emotion, but it was fantastic for what it was meant to be. Especially, Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks who could carry the movie all on their own by how entertaining and tactful they were with their voice work.

Still, every part of the ensemble did a great job with the quirks and differences that varied from character to character. The direction of the Lego Movie was also great. Every choice made seemed to work together to create something special, much like the original did. Each scene felt as though there was a reason for it to be there and the visuals of this movie were certainly spectacular. Every choice was made for a reason, whether it was to add to the story, or it was to immerse the audience the Lego world.

The design of this movie had a lot to live up to and it definitely kept up with that expectation. The world was larger than you’d think, and every set piece looked as if it was straight out of a Lego model. Every aspect of this movie was designed beautifully. The music was great, too, with a few surprise songs and sounds that are familiar to any child who’s ever had an imagination. They did a great job here.

Overall, I enjoyed this movie thoroughly and would recommend it to anybody who’s in the mood to laugh at something ridiculous. And I would especially recommend to anybody with younger children. Not only, will the children get a lot out of it, arguably a lot more than the adults, but the adults will also enjoy how funny and entertaining the movie can be. Plus, the solid message is important for kids to hear, even more so if they have siblings.

Can I say that the Lego Movie 2 surpassed the originality and entertainment of the original? No, I can’t. As great as it was, it still wasn’t as good as the first movie. Saying that, however, this sequel was still an excellent entry into the series and will remain one of the best of the Lego franchise. And I implore you to give this movie a chance.

STORY Out of 35 30
ACTING Out of 20 18
DIRECTION Out of 15 12

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