
Through Peetle’s Tech and Entertainment Reviews, our goal is to accompany with the site a method of exploring the depth and validity of movies, TV shows, video games, and technology.

Our reviews will delve into the elements that make up each in order to give an accurate representation of the selected media under review. Our critiques are not to bash any selected subject, but instead to display the characteristics that create an exceptional piece of entertainment or technology.

Those involved here have grown up around media and technology, always wishing to make it better and to create an environment where a discussion can take place that might better help the understanding and perception of how we view entertainment and technology in our modern world.

Those involved will include Peter Karleskint and Isabelle Lanthier.

Peter is the one known as Peetle on Peetle’s Tech and Entertainment Reviews. Once a nickname made by a friend’s failed introductions, Peter has taken on the name to represent his online personality. Peetle has been a longtime lover of media and technology and has been labeled a critic by those around him. He has enjoyed media of all different types though his focus tends to revolved around the script. His eye for detail in this area have helped him to breakdown the problems of movies, television, and video games at their core. He believes that the script is the foundation of any solid piece of media. As for technology, his background is large and diverse, challenging himself to understand and use every piece of technology he can get his hands on, making him an expert in the subject.

Peter Karleskint (Peetle)